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Randy Barnett


Randy Barnett, CESCP

Contact Information

(303) 957-4311

Randy devotes his work to ensuring clients’ electrical safety programs meet compliance requirements and improve their safety culture.

Randy is passionate that his client programs encompass the three major areas of safety – safe installation, equipment maintenance and safe work practices. He has worked extensively with clients in the manufacturing, automotive, oil and gas, utility and government sectors.

Randy serves as the Program Manager for the Electrical Safety Team at NTT. He worked for several years as a journeyman industrial electrician, is an NFPA Certified Electrical Safety Compliance Professional (CESCP) and certified Electrical Inspector. He is also a member of the UL Standards Technical Panel for specific healthcare electrical equipment and is the author of numerous articles and the popular trade text, Commercial and Industrial Wiring.

Randy considers himself fortunate to live and enjoy family time in the Rocky Mountains!