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Electrical Safety Awareness

This training program is eligible for an early bird discount of $100 if registered 60 days out (or more) and will be automatically applied at checkout!



2 Hours


At the end of this training program attendees will be able to:

  1. Understand OSHA & NFPA requirements for electrical safety in the workplace.
  2. Review how the unqualified persons can protect themselves by identify the hazards and effects of electricity.
  3. Understand protection boundaries used to alert the unqualified worker.
  4. Learn the basics of unqualified person’s shock and arc rated PPE and its use
  5. Recognize what do during an electrical incident, basic emergency response and contact release of a shock victim.

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  • Why You should take this training program

    NEW – This course is now available via our interactive Live Online Training format. Live Online Training course length and content may vary from our in-classroom content. Click Here to ask us about the differences.

    A great awareness-level course, offered in both an online live virtual format for remote students and an onsite, in-class option to make it easier for your team to attend.

    This course emphasizes the role of the “unqualified worker.” These persons may be office personnel or operate switches and circuit breakers, operate electrical power tools, handle extension cords or be near exposed energized electrical work. This will help the unqualified worker to be aware of electrical hazards.

    Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Contact Hours
    Upon completion of this training program, the attendee will receive a certificate of completion. Please contact your state or local licensing agency to determine if this training program is accepted for Continuing Education recognition by the agency.

    Download Training Program PDF
  • Who Should Take This Training Program

    People who will benefit from attending this course include:

    • Office Personnel
    • Warehouse & material handling personnel
    • Millwrights, Welders, Pipefitters & Mechanical personnel
    • Facility Engineer – Custodian

  • What You'll Learn

    This course covers the following:

    • OSHA & NFPA requirements for electrical safety in the workplace.
    • Define what an unqualified person is and techniques to protect themselves.
    • Identifying electrical hazards in the work place.
    • Safe operation techniques for electrical equipment.
    • Electrical incidents, basics of emergency response and contact release of a shock victim.

  • Training Program Description

    1. Electrical Safety and Your Electrical Safety Program

    • Review of the latest data on electrical safety.
    • Understanding who is an “Unqualified Person,” and what they may and may not do.
    • Understanding who is a “Qualified Person,” and what they may and may not do.
    • Important NFPA definitions.

    2. The Potential Hazards Faced by Non-Electrical Workers

    • Review of shock, arc flash and incident energy.
    • Review methods of shock and arc flash mitigation.
    • Review OSHA extension cord and GFCI requirements and safety.

    3. Electrical Safe Work Practices and Procedures

    • Interpreting Equipment Arc Flash Labels.
    • Interpreting Electrical safe work boundaries.
    • Safe work techniques for operating electrical equipment.

    4. Electrical Personal Protective Equipment

    • Review of usage requirements for electrical PPE (arc rated clothing & shock protection).
    • When electrical PPE is needed by the unqualified worker.

    5. Electrical Emergency Response

    • Potential severity of electrical incidents.
    • Requirements for Electrical Emergency Response Training.
    • How to safely perform contact release of a shock victim.

    6. Summary questions and final quiz

  • Contact us regarding questions for your schedule at 1-303-649-9980.

    • 1. Select a date and location to register

    • 2. Confirm & Checkout

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    By clicking the checkbox below, you certify that...

    • You are registering to take this class on behalf of your current employer/company and
    • My employer/company is paying for this training
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      Tax may be applied to total purchase amount depending on your tax-exempt status.

      Payment Method
      • Pay with any credit cards

    Call (303) 649-9980 for more info on schedule and pricing.

    Training Program Pricing

    2 Hour Lecture: $400 / Participant

    This training program may be included with other training or as a standalone course. As such, training time depends on training program length as determined by your outcome goals. Please call (855) 712-7353 or CONTACT NTT TRAINING to discuss pricing and your unique training needs.

    Don’t see a local training program in your area? Call (303) 649-9980 for more info on schedule and pricing!

    100% of NTT's offering can be brought to your facility Request On-Site Training
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