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FROM: Shane Clary, For the Alarm Industry, 2016 is Chock-full of NFPA Code Talk –
“This year will be very active with the revisions to various codes and standards that affect the design and installation of fire alarm systems…this will be a busy year, and an important one to keep track of potential changes that may affect your business.” [1]
The National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code has changed. Are you prepared for the changes coming to NFPS 72 in 2016?
As usual the changes cover a wide range of areas. To help you understand some of the major points Larry Covert, subject matter expert on National Fire Alarm Code and NFPA instructor for NTT Training has highlighted some of the major areas of focus for changes to NFPA 72 below.
Being up-to-date with basics of the National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code® (NFPA 72) will help improve your fire alarm and signaling system’s reliability. Get involved with our fire alarm specific courses and be sure you are up-to-speed with all the new changes coming this year:
To learn more about Fire Alarm & Signaling Code® and how you can implement this into your companies training program, call (855) 712-7353 or CONTACT NTT TRAINING today!
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Deliver solutions to our clients (and their global workforce) designed for safety, productivity and profitability.
Our Vision:
Empowering clients and their employees to be safe and skilled.
NTT Training Inc. has been accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET).
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A Training Division of ECPI University