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How Long do Boilers Last and How Can They Last Longer?

Before boilers and central heating units were invented, people had to use wood and coal to keep their houses and workplaces warm. Today, we barely even think about heating and cooler units, which are controlled with a touch of a button or a turn of a dial. Boilers or furnaces have become one of the most important appliances both residential and industrial settings, but one we give very little thought to—unless it stops working.

Boilers are very large capital investments, so keeping them well-maintained will prolong their service life and prolong this costly investment if possible.

The Lifespan of a Boiler

Many people aren’t even aware that their boiler requires proper maintenance in order to extend its productivity and lifespan. Most industrial boilers tend to last between 15 to 25 years, on average, with 25 years being on the high end.

There are many factors go into how long an industrial boiler will last. A well-maintained boiler will obviously last longer than those that are not serviced regularly. It is suggested that all heating and cooling units get yearly inspections. As they start to age, it is normal to have to fix and replace some parts in order to keep it running at peak performance. The better you maintain your boiler, the longer it will last and the less risk of emergency shutdowns.

Boiler Maintenance to Expand the Lifespan of Your Boiler

Having a professional maintain your boiler is critical in keeping it working efficiently. A properly maintained boiler reduces energy consumption and maximizes output.

Here are some tips that can help increase the lifespan of an industrial boiler:

  • Routine inspections are critical in identifying and correcting efficiency issues with the boiler.
  • Regular maintenance reduces potential accidents, which can injure personnel, cause structural damage to the facility and impact production in the case of shutdowns. Proper maintenance can spot issues before they lead to accidents.
  • Good maintenance is required to comply with laws and regulations. Most states and municipalities require regular inspection by certified inspectors. Following that inspection, industrial clients need to repair all issues or existing hazards.
  • A well-maintained boiler saves money. They will run more efficiently, last longer and reduce potential accidents and shutdowns.

Is it Time to Replace Your Boiler?

There are several “tell-tale” signs that industrial boilers are not performing well. Being aware of the crucial signs that an industrial boiler isn’t working efficiently can save you money. While spending money on occasional repairs is natural, there are times when purchasing a new boiler is more cost advantageous than continuing to put money into an old boiler.

Here are signs that your boiler may need to be replaced soon.

  • Reduced efficiency: If a boiler is using more fuel than it previously did, it may be time to replace it with a more energy efficient model, which can greatly reduce energy costs.
  • Noises: It is true that boilers make some noise, but it should not produce loud banging or clanging as these loud sounds can indicate a blockage, leak or internal pressure that is not normal.
  • Ongoing repairs: If you are consistently spending big budget dollars on repairs, it is often more cost efficient to buy a new unit, which not only will reduce costs but be a safer alternative than potentially malfunctioning equipment.


Boiler Education for Employees

Many industrial facilities, manufacturing plants and large corporations find it advantageous to have skilled employees on staff that can keep their boiler units well maintained. Many employers find that dedicated employees can become even more valuable if they pursue additional skills and certifications. NTT Training offers a wide range of programs that benefit both employers and employees. Employers gain more skilled employees; while employees learn a new skill that gives them more value.

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