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The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 110 provides standards of safety for emergency and standby power systems. The NFPA 110 details performance requirements for emergency power systems used in buildings when the main electrical source fails, including standby generator standards. The most recent version of the NFPA 110 was published in 2016.
The text of the code clarifies requirements for working with standby generators and other temporary power sources.
A functioning and properly maintained emergency generator can be the difference between a minor inconvenience and a major disaster. Hospitals, nursing homes, and other medical facilities rely on generators to protect the health of their most vulnerable patients. Just like homeowners, your industrial operation uses standby power units to protect property and investments during a power failure. Consistent generator maintenance reduces equipment costs, product loss or spoilage, and exorbitant emergency repairs.
The moment of a power failure is a horrible time to realize your unit is damaged due to neglect or disuse. A regular maintenance routine allows you to spot and correct issues before they become big problems. Regular maintenance, along with written service records, keeps you aware of your equipment’s condition, so you can replace unrepairable parts before your next power failure.
Routine checks and maintenance ensure your backup and emergency power sources are ready when needed. Get familiar with the manufacturer’s suggested maintenance schedule for your unit.
Our course will provide you with the needed information to operate and maintain your emergency standby equipment.
The NFPA 110 is designed to reduce the threat to life and property when using standby and emergency power sources. The code is updated frequently to reflect new discoveries, safety standards, and trends in manufacturing and usage. NTT Training Inc. offers electrical safety training seminars to help organizations safely maintain their equipment. Get all the information you need on the latest changes and code requirements, so you can guarantee consistent OSHA compliance. Contact us for more information on our convenient and educational seminars.
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