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Although everyone agrees industrial workers need health and safety training to be kept safe in their work environment, it’s sometimes a point of contention just how to do so. Laws and regulations lay out what is required for worker’s safety. But accidents on the job, regardless of why they happened, would be better avoided. Here are some ways you can help improve worker safety and keep employees able to do their jobs.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is highly important when it comes to protecting employees from workplace hazards and especially in the case of emergencies. This equipment might vary, depending on the employee’s duties. But while some equipment might fit most employees without an issue, you have to keep in mind that not everyone has the same measurements.
Be sure supervisors do a thorough inspection to see how each piece of PPE fits an employee. Checking periodically throughout the year is also a good idea as individuals change size over time. You never want to find out someone doesn’t have a properly-fitted piece of PPE a few minutes before they need to start using it.
When business picks up and there are plenty of other matters to attend to, it might seem like machine maintenance is an added hassle. Especially when the machine has been functioning well and shows no sign of needing repair. But it’s important to keep up with a regular maintenance schedule to gauge machine efficiency and any possible safety problems which could occur.
However you remember it, noting it on a calendar, using a reminder application in your phone, don’t let machine maintenance go unattended. Employees should also be trained to know what to look for when a machine has an issue. Such as being aware of any particular sounds or display codes that mean immediate repair is needed.
The safety world is always changing and keeping up with all of the different requirements can be difficult. However, not informing employees or managers of a new safety rule could lead to legal problems if anyone gets hurt. It’s also important to monitor employees and make sure they carry out the new rules. Once an employee gets into a pattern at work, it can be easy to forget or ignore changes. Working with employees will ensure everyone does what they’re supposed to be doing.
An employer might think that sitting down all of their employees for a day of safety training is a good way to get it over with and let everyone get back to work. But some employees might find themselves bored listening to safety tips for equipment they’ll never work with and left with questions when the training breezes through information relevant to them, all while trying to stay on schedule. While it’s good for workers to know general safety tips for all machines and items present in the facility, they will undoubtedly struggle to remember details weeks later if they’re introduced to several machines they’ve never seen before and don’t generally work with.
Splitting employees up and ensuring they have training focused on their job duties and skill level can lead to the workers engaging in the seminar and walking away with useful information that will help them perform their duties more efficiently and with less chance of injury. While during the seminar, workers can ask questions and get the answers they need.
When it comes to ensuring work goes smoothly and the possibility of employee injury is minimal, it’s important to know who is the best fit for the job. While it’s great to challenge employees and give them responsibilities which will put their abilities to the test, these workers also need to have adequate training, knowledge, and support to do this. It’s important to remember that each worker has their own strengths and weaknesses, so when deciding where to place workers on a project, they should be given duties they are ready for and always have the option of seeking help if they find themselves overwhelmed.
Looking for the quality, tailored instruction you need to help your facility run smoothly? NTT Training offers hands-on learning, whether on-site or off. With seminars in topics ranging from electrical safety. HVAC training, and much more, NTT can help industrial leaders keep their businesses operating with minimal incidents and injuries. For more information on NTT and the training we offer, contact us today!
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Our Mission:
Deliver solutions to our clients (and their global workforce) designed for safety, productivity and profitability.
Our Vision:
Empowering clients and their employees to be safe and skilled.
NTT Training Inc. has been accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET).
Better Business Bureau
A Training Division of ECPI University