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Like all other forms of technology, boilers have come a long way. The previous design required constant monitoring with the operator keeping an eye on a range of measuring instrument and making necessary adjustments — all these have been automated. Despite technological advancement, boilers still break down. This is why boiler training can be so essential to an industrial workplace.
The National Board of Boilers and Pressure Vessels Inspectors estimate that more than 50% of boiler accidents occur due to poor maintenance and human error. Untimely breakdowns in an industrial setup can be a very expensive inconvenience. This is why it is important to regularly train your workers.
Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning (HVAC) systems utilize fundamental principles in thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid dynamics to regulate air quality. HVAC is no longer just about comfort; it is a necessity. Stricter standards regarding air quality that employees are to be exposed to have to be met.
A boiler acts as the central heating mechanism for an HVAC System. The heat is generated from the combustion of a fuel or by an electric heater. Although smaller and more efficient boilers are being manufactured, the principle of operation is the same.
In other sectors such as breweries, steam boilers are used as kettles for the brewing process. The hot water from the boilers is later used in sanitizing the brewing tanks.
Boilers operate under very high pressures, as such, they are prone to leaks. A leak in any part of the system drastically reduces the efficiency of the boiler. A leaking tube in the combustion chamber can cause a shutdown. Water leaks in steam boilers can be detected using a water meter. The leaking parts are welded.
Although industrial boilers are designed to last for a long time, parts of the burner such as the nozzles and burner pumps occasionally have problems. Broken burners limit the amount of heat produced. The broken burner should be identified and replaced to resume normal operation.
An industrial boiler has several control systems in the control panel. For instance, the control panel. If the control system malfunctions, it has to be shut down and a control engineer called in.
Insulation is used to prevent dissipation of heat from the pipes or the boiler. Missing insulation can be difficult to spot with the naked eye, a thermal imaging device is the best way to identify it. Improper insulation increases energy cost.
The quality of water used can damage a boiler. Salty water is rich in minerals causes scale buildup. The scales eventually accumulate and block the pipes. The scale deposits limit the passage of water or prevent it altogether. Salty water requires more fuel to boil. To prevent scale buildup, install a water treatment system for the boiler.
Loss in pressure limits the efficiency of the central heating system. A built-in pressure gauge is used to read the boilers pressure levels. Pressure loss can be caused by a water leak in the system, bleeding radiators or a faulty relief valve. An undersized heater that is unable to adequately boil the water leads to a similar problem.
Industrial boilers have safety systems built in to prevent accidents. If the system turns off by itself, a thorough inspection should be done before restarting the system.
NTT Training Inc. is an ACCET accredited institution that conducts seminars and workshops for workers in various technical areas. Our technical and operational workshop on Boilers will train your workers on maintenance and repair, codes and standards, troubleshooting, boiler efficiency, water treatment, and emissions. Contact NTT Inc. today for more information.
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Deliver solutions to our clients (and their global workforce) designed for safety, productivity and profitability.
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NTT Training Inc. has been accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET).
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A Training Division of ECPI University