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Online Safety Seminar: Can an Online Course Help My Employees?

Interactive Learning: Can an Online Course Help My Employees?

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), there were 5,147 on-the-job worker’s deaths in 2017. A number of factors contribute to this incredible loss of life. Falling, being struck by heavy objects, electrocutions, and being crushed or caught in between heavy mechanical equipment are the four biggest contributors to workplace accidents and deaths.

Employers can do more to keep their workers safe from accidental death and injury. online safety training is a great way to teach your employees how to keep themselves safe when they’re working in dangerous locations, handling certain materials, or performing risky procedures.

You might be wondering, what are the benefits of having your employees attend online or remote safety training courses? How do these courses help facilities train workers and maintain a safer environment? Even, how do safety courses help employers promote safety in the workplace and increase on-the-job awareness of safety issues?

The Benefits of Online and Remote Safety Training

Safety training is the best way to ensure your workers know how to recognize, avoid, and respond to dangerous conditions. However, it isn’t always possible or the best choice to do these trainings in person. Here are some of the reasons why online and remote safety training may be the best choice for your team.

  • Lower per-student cost. Using online and virtual resources generally cost less per learner than hiring a live instructor. That means you can train your crew without sacrificing profits.
  • Less interruption to the workday. Online training can be done during downtimes or scheduled in a way that doesn’t compromise production schedules. Rather than losing an entire day to live instructor training, your crew can learn in shifts and still accomplish your business goals.
  • Instruction from skilled teachers. Training online doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice quality. You can still get the information your employees need through online training with qualified and competent instructors leading the class.

Online and remote safety training courses include all the information you need to keep a safe and productive worksite.

How Online and Remote Courses Promote a Safer Workplace

Employers can use online and remote safety courses to keep their workers safe and protect their own liability.

  • Identify potential hazards. The first step to any safety program is recognizing potential dangers. With safety training, your workers will learn what signs to look for when assessing a work environment or situation.
  • Appropriate response. How a worker responds to dangerous situations can make all the difference in the outcome. During safety training, workers learn what procedures and responses are the most effective way to neutralize common threats.
  • Equipment and tool review. PPE (personal protective equipment) is an essential part of safety. However, some workers aren’t always sure which pieces are right for their job. Safety training helps workers pick the right tools and equipment for their environment, which can significantly reduce workplace injury.
  • Reporting procedures. A large part of facility safety is maintenance. Safety training teaches workers how to report potential hazards to their employer. When equipment is well maintained, workers are less likely to perform dangerous maneuvers or suffer from accidents.

The Daily Benefits of Worker Safety Training

After completing a safety training course, your workers’ daily experience will be safer in a variety of ways.

  • Better ability to work in hazardous locations. Some locations require a higher level of safety training before workers can navigate them. This includes areas with combustible materials, chemicals, and other hazards that could cause explosions and fires. Safety training teaches workers how to assess an environment before entering, so they’re ready for whatever happens next.
  • The importance of procedure. After performing a procedure over and over, workers tend to get lax in their safety approach. A lack of respect for established procedure is a big contributor to workplace accidents. Safety training reminds workers of the importance of procedure in hazardous areas.
  • Increased compliance. Reporting, PPE use, and other safety requirements are also an important part of reducing workplace deaths and injuries. After safety training, workers are more likely to adhere to these requirements.

Make sure your workforce is as safe as possible with online and remote safety courses. NTT Training offers a variety of safety courses that will help your electrical and industrial workers maintain safer workplace procedures. Contact our representatives for more information on our course catalog.

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